Survival Commands

Messaging and Interaction Commands

  • /g : Sends a private message to another player.

  • /r : Replies to the last private message received.

  • /teammsg : Sends a message to your team.

  • /dm : Opens the direct messaging interface.

  • /togglechat : Toggles the chat on or off.

  • /ignoreplayer : Ignores a player, preventing you from seeing their messages.

Economy and Transactions Commands

  • /baltop : Shows the players with the highest balances.

  • /withdraw : Withdraw money from your account.

  • /token : Manages server tokens for transactions.

  • /tm : Shortcut command for token management.

  • /coins : Displays your current coin balance.

  • /coin : Another way to view your coin balance.

  • /auction : Accesses the auction interface to bid on items.

  • /store : Accesses the in-game store.

  • /shop : Opens the shop interface.

  • /sell : Sell an item or block.

  • /sellall : Sells all items in your inventory.

  • /stocks : Manages stock investments.

  • /beconomy : Manages the server's economy.

Teleportation and Navigation Commands

  • /warps : Lists available warp points.

  • /rtp : Randomly teleports you.

  • /wild : Teleports you to a random location in the wilderness.

  • /wb : Teleports you to the wilderness border.

  • /back : Teleports you to your last location before teleporting.

Home and Claim Management Commands

  • /home : Teleports you to your default home location.

  • /homes : Lists your available homes.

  • /sethome : Sets a new home location.

  • /createhome : Creates a new home location.

  • /delhome : Deletes a home location.

  • /claim : Claims a plot of land.

  • /unclaim : Unclaims a plot of land.

  • /trust : Trusts another player with your land.

  • /untrust : Removes trust from another player.

  • /abandonclaim : Abandons a claimed plot of land.

  • /abandonallclaims : Abandons all of your claimed plots of land.

  • /containertrust : Grants trusted access to containers.

  • /accesstrust : Grants trusted access to areas.

  • /subdivideclaim : Subdivides a larger claim into smaller ones.

  • /claimexplosions : Manages explosions within a claim.

  • /claimlist : Lists your claimed plots of land.

  • /claimslist : Lists your claimed plots of land.

  • /claimban : Bans a player from entering your claim.

  • /claimbanlist : Lists players banned from your claims.

  • /claimunban : Unbans a player from your claim.

  • /claimfly : Allows flying within your claim.

Player Interaction Commands

  • /trustlist : Lists players that you have trusted.

  • /permissiontrust : Grants permission trust to a player.

  • /kfc : Kicks a player from your claim.

  • /givepet : Gives a pet to another player.

  • /ignoreplayer : Ignores a player, preventing you from seeing their messages.

Utility and Information Commands

  • /coords : Displays your current coordinates.

  • /help : Opens the help menu for assistance.

  • /tutorial : Accesses the tutorial.

  • /profile : Displays your player profile.

  • /interactivechat : Toggles interactive chat mode.

  • /enchantinfo : Provides information on various enchantments available.

  • /keys : Manages keys.

  • /ranks : Displays available ranks.

  • /x : Displays your current location.

  • /xpb : Manages experience points.

  • /xpbottle : Bottles experience points.

  • /vote : Casts a vote for the server.

  • /voteall : Casts a vote for all online players.

  • /votegui : Opens the voting GUI.

  • /skin : Manages your player skin.

  • /head : Obtains a player's head.

Crafting and Item Management Commands

  • /craft : Opens the crafting interface.

  • /ecraft : Opens the enhanced crafting interface.

  • /anvil : Opens the anvil interface for item repair and renaming.

  • /arm : Manages your armor.

  • /echest : Opens your ender chest.

  • /pv : Opens your personal vault.

  • /sna : Snares a target.

  • /disposal : Disposes of unwanted items.

  • /suicide : Ends your character's life in the game.

  • /frame : Frames an item for display.

  • /nick or /nickname : Sets your in-game nickname.

  • /itf : Manages item transfer filters.

  • /tp : Teleports you to another player.

  • /vault : Accesses your personal vault.

  • /balancetop : Displays the top player balances in the game.

  • /myhomes : Lists all your set home locations.

  • /playershops : Manages player-owned shops.

  • /itemshops : Accesses item shops.

  • /shops : Accesses shops.

  • /trash : Discards items.

  • /eglow : Applies glowing effect to a player.

Last updated