Sky Block

Skyblock In-Game Commands Guide

Island Commands:

Use the following commands for various island actions in Skyblock/Gens:

  • Accept an invitation to an island: /island accept <player-name / island-name>

  • Check island balance: /island balance [player-name / island-name]

  • Ban someone from your island: /island ban <player-name>

  • Visit the border of your island: /island border

  • Close your island to visitors: /island close

  • Add a co-op player: /island coop <player-name>

  • List co-op players: /island coops

  • Get item counts on your island: /island counts [player-name / island-name]

  • Create a new island: /island create <island-name>

  • Delete an island warp: /island delwarp <warp-name...>

  • Demote a member: /island demote <player-name>

  • Deposit money into the island bank: /island deposit <amount>

  • Disband your island: /island disband

  • Expel someone from your island: /island expel <player-name>

  • Command help: /island help [page]

  • Invite a player to your island: /island invite <player>

  • Kick a player out: /island kick <player>

  • Leave the island: /island leave

  • Open the island members menu: /island members

  • Change the island name: /island name

  • Open your island to the public: /island open

  • Open the island panel: /island panel

  • Unban a player from your island: /island pardon <player-name>

  • Get permissions for a role or player: /island permissions [<role-name / player-name>]

  • Promote a member in your island: /island promote <player-name>

  • Recalculate the island worth: /island recalc

  • Change the role of a player: /island setrole <player-name> <role>

  • Change the teleport location of your island: /island setteleport

  • Open the settings menu: /island settings

  • Create a new island warp: /island setwarp <warp-name>

  • Get information about an island: /island show [<player-name / island-name>]

  • Get information about island members: /island team

  • Toggle team chat mode: /island teamchat

  • Teleport to your island: /island teleport

  • Toggle island features like borders and stacked blocks: /island toggle

  • See the top islands: /island top

  • Transfer ownership of your island: /island transfer

  • Remove a co-op player: /island uncoop

  • Check the value of the block in hand: /island value

  • Access the value list of blocks: /island values

  • Visit another player's island: /island visit

  • View island visitors: /island visitors

  • Warp to a set location on your island: /island warp

  • View all warps on the island: /island warps

(Note: /is can be used as a shortcut for /island.)

Last updated